PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Shared Hosting
In case you get a shared hosting plan from us, you will never need to speculate about whether your sites are compatible with the web hosting platform, as we support different versions of PHP for your convenience. The Hepsia Control Panel will permit you to choose PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 with just one single click of the mouse and if you would like to change the version, the new settings will be applied instantaneously. In this way, many years of work on websites created with an older version of PHP will not be in vain. Our web hosting platform will even allow you to use a different PHP version for each domain name hosted in your account, which suggests that you can use newer and older scripts simultaneously. Most hosting companies on the market offer one, sometimes two versions of PHP. In contrast with them, we strongly believe that you should be the one to choose the version that will be used by your own sites.
PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our semi-dedicated hosting plans support multiple versions of PHP, which suggests that you will be able to run all the Internet applications that you have set up through the years. The Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with each semi-dedicated account, will permit you to activate the version that you need with just one mouse click. You can pick between PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8. If you would like to host multiple websites in one single account and they have special requirements in relation to the hosting platform, you will be able to pick a different PHP version for each one of them no matter which version is selected for the account itself. That’s achievable owing to our custom-built cloud platform, which permits us to run multiple versions of PHP all at the same time. By comparison, the vast majority of web hosting vendors typically offer one, sometimes two versions.