If your website hosting provider provides live chat support, you'll be able to talk to an agent live and find out useful info or get an issue resolved in a very timely manner. The basic advantage of using chat rather than calling to consult with a live person is that you need only a computer with world wide web access, which means that you won't pay any charges if you're in a different state or country. What's more, it'll be much simpler to copy and paste information such as domain names, usernames or error messages in other words details which are sometimes hard to give to the other party on the telephone. The live chat is also a quicker solution to contact the hosting provider's support team compared to using a ticketing system. What's more, when some problem requires a bit more time to be taken care of, you are able to do something else entirely while you wait for support on the live chat, so that you won't lose time - something that's impossible in case you are on the telephone.

Live Chat Support in Shared Hosting

As we consider the fact that numerous issues are often resolved if you speak with a live person, we provide a live chat service for all our prospective and current customers. The chat is accessible every day and our customer support representatives will help you with a wide range of questions and troubles. If you are not our customer yet, you are able to learn more about our shared hosting plans and the web hosting environment in general so that you can be certain that your websites will work properly on our servers. In case you already have an account and you have some questions or you have any problems with any of our solutions, you can get in touch with us through our live chat and we can provide the necessary details or assist you to troubleshoot the issue. You'll have to open a support ticket for specific issues that require longer time or the expertise of a sysadmin, but for the majority of standard issues you will get help right away.

Live Chat Support in Semi-dedicated Servers

When you use the live chat support service that we supply with all our semi-dedicated hosting plans, you are able to find the replies for any questions you have or get various problems resolved quickly. Our service is available every day, therefore you'll be able to talk to a representative even on holidays and weekends. In the event that you are unsure which package is better for your websites or if our innovative cloud hosting platform matches some system requirements, you may join the live chat before buying anything. In case you're an existing customer, you will be able to find more details about billing issues, account settings as well as a variety of common technical troubles you may experience, let's say if you are unable to set up an email account in a client on your PC. The live chat will save you a considerable amount of time no matter where you are or when you get in touch with us.